Author: Phillip

How I ended up in Glenview

For years I dreamed about moving to Glenview, IL… Now, I know that to anyone who lives there, or has even visited Glenview, that statement is definitely hilarious, and it’s the truth, though! I was an only child raised by a single mother in a part of IL so remote that I never saw any […]

How I ended up in Glenview

For years I dreamed about moving to Glenview, IL. Now, I know that to anyone who lives there, or has even visited Glenview, that statement is undoubtedly hilarious… It’s the truth, though! I was an only child raised by a single mother in a part of IL so remote that I never saw any children […]

How I got my start in Lowell

I grew up deep in the forests of the northern part of MA, however that far north you can go for miles on end without seeing another living soul, but it was a quiet, lonely childhood, with only my parents for corporation. I was homecollegeed, so I didn’t develop basic socialization skills. About the only […]

I was grateful to transfer to Elgin

For most of the year I was stuck out in the most remote stretch of farmland you ever saw, when the Summer came around, my folks always sent me to Elgin, IL to spend a few weeks with my cousins… I didn’t even like my cousins that much, I thought they were spoiled brats, however […]

I appreciate here in Springtimefield

Once a week, every week, my Dad would take me into Springtimefield, MO! This was roughly an hour’s drive from where we lived, then my family owned some land, which didn’t mean we were wealthy, just that we lived pretty far away from civilization… Aside from a gas station and a bait stand, there were […]

Finding a new life in Evansville

Most of my childhood was spent in the farming country of southern Indiana; It was a simple life, filled with farm chores and university work. I was one of eight siblings, and to this afternoon I am still convinced my parents only had youngsters so they wouldn’t need to hire field hands, however all the […]

Birmingham is really warm during the Summer months

The hot plus cold temperatures in Birmingham, AL are really warm plus humid during the Summer months. It is particularly important to have a well-designed plus energy efficient a/c symptom to keep frigid air inside of your apartment plus warm air plus moisture outside, but birmingham during June plus June can be 90° plus there […]

Everything’s larger in Plano, TX

Everything’s larger in Plano, TX, including our Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C systems. When northerners guess about TX, they only guess of open deserts as well as high temps, and the truth is that the temperature of this part of the country is tumultuous, as well as requires a lot of preparation, however in […]