The Villages is a bustling community with room for one more business

I told my mom that I was going to quit working for the Ocala heating company and start my own business servicing strictly The Villages. My mom thought it was a terrible idea to offer services to such a small area and she thought that I was limiting myself. I tried to explain to my mom that there was plenty of business in The Villages for one more small business, especially one like mine. I was going to offer great discounts for seniors and Veterans and it would be my primary goal to make sure that I offered the absolute best customer service in the area. My mom agreed to put the money up for the business so I could get started right away. He gave me a check for $25,000 so I could buy a repair van and all of the specific things that I needed to get started. It was very tough at first. I had a tough time getting my foot in the door. There were a lot of companies servicing The Villages. I wanted to be the main company so I had to work hard to make sure that I treated every customer like they were family. That’s still my motto today and it seems to work. I treat every single person like they are my grandmother or my sister or my brother. I try to have the best rates possible and my small business services The Villages 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We also offer competitive rates and great service throughout the rest of the central Florida.

ductless heat pumps The Villages FL