The sign said to stay away from synthetic cannabinoids.

When the state of Illinois legalized marijuana, they kept the use of synthetic cannabinoids illegal.

The state and the city of Chicago, IL, warned their constituents to stay away from synthetic cannabinoids. Synthetic cannabinoids are man-made chemicals that can have the same effects as real cannabinoids on the brain. The biggest difference is that synthetic cannabinoids are illegal and considered a health risk because of the lack of regulation. Synthetic cannabinoids, or synthetic marijuana, comes under many forms and can often be sprayed on dried plant materials to be smoked. We can sell them in a liquid form that can be consumed using vaping products. Synthetic cannabinoids are more commonly known as K2, spice, Kronic, Black Momba, or Kush. The police officer who came to our school to talk to the upper-class students was very open about the danger of illegal synthetic cannabinoids. He stressed how dangerous these synthetic cannabinoids are, and that they are illegal. I think the kids could have recited his warning by rote, he repeated himself so often. Even I got a little bored with his repetitious and slightly condescending recitation of what should or should not be consumed and that it was illegal to use any marijuana products until they turned 21. After the Chicago, IL police officer left, I could hear a collected sigh of relief. They thought he was going to talk about the laws that pertain to marijuana use, but all they heard but warnings and a lesson on how dangerous it was. They wanted to know more about illegal synthetic cannabinoids, but he was so boring, they were almost falling to sleep.


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