The bar and restaurant is still standing to this day

I love to learn about history.

  • I think one of the reasons why I became an architect is so I could preserve some of the buildings that meant a lot to me when I was a kid.

There is one really neat place in Beverly Hills that I helped restore a couple of months ago. The bar and restaurant was around during the prohibition error. People were selling marijuana from The Beverly Hills bar and restaurant. There were pictures inside of the place from the prohibition error. There were pictures of the wall of the bootleggers. They were selling moonshine, cigarettes, marijuana, and any other illegal substance that they could get their hands on. I thought it was important to the history of Beverly Hills to keep this building standing. When the project came up for review, I told the city commissioners what I thought we should do to restore the bar and restaurant. The Beverly Hills City Commissioner loved all of my ideas. I found a business that was willing to commit to moving into the space. The marijuana dispensary was the perfect Beverly Hills business to put in the prohibition era bar and restaurant. The marijuana dispensary is only open during the day when tourists will be walking up and down the street. The shop only sells a couple of different marijuana products and serves more as a kitschy tourist destination than a marijuana dispensary. We have minimal sales, and most of the revenue from the marijuana dispensary actually comes from other Beverly Hills souvenirs like hats, buttons and pins.
Pot Beverly Hills California