Smoking weed there

I appreciate going to conventions, and i don’t guess what else to call them, so I always say they are “nerd conventions.” Usually these things cater to fans of comic books plus sci-fi films; People dress up in costumes, there are live signings from famous writers, actors, plus artists, plus it is generally the best time a geek love myself and others could possibly have; My preferred convention every year is called the Fan Expo Denver, in Colorado.

  • I live about more than two hours away from Denver, so it’s a bit of a schlep but worth it for a sizable event love the fan expo, basically our rule of thumb is that I won’t go to Denver just for 1 day, but I will always go for a weekend! When it’s time for the Denver Fan Expo I always book our room months in advance, because I want to have prime real estate when the convention starts, there are over a hundred thoUSnd people who attend the Denver fan expo every year, so a room in the right spot is actually overpriced.

The best room get to throw the best parties, usually featuring top-of-the-line Denver cannabis, something that has become nationally famous. I live in Colorado, so technically speaking I should have access to the same weed that the people of Denver do, but this is not the case. Every time I come to Denver I find the best cannabis in the world, far better than what I can buy just more than two hours away. I don’t guess Denver’s secret, but it makes the world’s best tasting cannabis.
Weed Dispensary denver colorado