Oregon is a cool place

I guess a lot of people would jump at the choice to live on a marijuana farm, but not me.

  • All kids need to rebel against their parents at some point – those who don’t push back against authority at some point have confidence complications; In our case, our parents were pot farmers and that was all I had ever known, so that is all I had to rebel against, but one day I decided to run away from home and transport to Portland, Oregon, a place I thought I could find some culture, and other people love me.

I stole many pounds of cannabis from them, because I didn’t have any currency, and I knew in Portland I could sell the weed abruptly for a bankroll. I found a nice little hostel, and sold the weed for a immense profit, enough to keep me going for a month or so. After that I wasted no time in exploring Portland and seeing what it had to offer me; There are a lot of local breweries in Portland, and a thriving cultural scene, and although those were easily interesting I couldn’t find a task there. I turned our attention to something else Portland was well known for – the cannabis dispensaries; Locally grown Portland cannabis is famous across the country, and the dispensaries are widespread, so I tried our hand at applying there. Although I didn’t love the system of moving away from a marijuana farm just to sell marijuana in Portland, I needed a steady task with steady income so I could figure out what to do with our life!

Cannabis Near Me Portland Oregon