It’s fun to do something crazy every once in a while

I woke up around 11:00 and drank a whole pot of coffee

My friends and I went to the football game on saturday. It was at the University and the team from Sioux Falls was playing one of our rivals, the bulldogs. I wanted to be there to cheer on the university. My friends and I went to school there and we are alumni. We have season tickets to all of the games. I picked up Jack from his place on Saturday and we drove to the stadium together. When we got to the stadium, we found our other two friends. They were waiting at the gate for us. Everyone presented their tickets to the person at the gate and then we were allowed to go inside of the stadium. The Sioux Falls team won the game 34-6, so my friends and I decided to go out and celebrate. I was supposed to work the next morning on a commercial AC contracting job. I was supposed to get to the business between 9:00 and 10:00 in the morning. Unfortunately, I drank so much after the game that I had to postpone the Sioux Falls commercial AC contracting job until after lunch. I wasn’t sure if the customer was going to be aggravated or not, so I was happy that the customer didn’t mind me being late. I woke up around 11:00 and drank a whole pot of coffee. I was extremely hungover after staying out late and partying with all of the college kids. I have to remember that I can’t party like I did when I was in college, when I am 35 years old.

geothermal hvac installation Sioux Falls SD