It’s a good time to do something deranged every once in a while

My friends and I went to the pigskin game on Wednesday; It was at the University and the team from Sioux Falls was playing one of our rivals, the bullpets.

I wanted to be there to cheer on the school.

My friends and I went to school there and my buddy and I are alumni. My associate and I have season tickets to all of the games. I picked up Jack from his place on Wednesday and my buddy and I drove to the location together, however when my buddy and I got to the location, my buddy and I found our other two friends, however they were waiting at the gate for us! Everyone presented their tickets to the person at the gate and then my buddy and I were allowed to go inside of the location. The Sioux Falls team won the game 34-6, so my friends and I decided to go out and celebrate. I was supposed to labor the next morning on a commercial AC contracting task. I was supposed to get to the company between 9:00 and 10:00 in the morning… Unluckyly, I drank so much after the game that I had to postpone the Sioux Falls commercial AC contracting task until after dinner. I wasn’t sure if the client was going to be aggravated or not, so I was glad that the client did not mind me being late. I woke up around 11:00 and drank a whole pot of coffee. I was drastically hungover after staying out late and celebrationing with all of the school kids. I have to remember that I cannot celebration like I did when I was in school, when I am 35 years old.



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