Investing into top-of-the-line, high-efficiency furnace and air conditioner

The average temperature in South Bend, Indiana, swings from seventeen to eighty-three degrees.

  • The summers are brutally hot, the winters severely cold and in-between, fall and spring tend to be wet, windy and chilly.

For most of the year, it’s necessary to adjust the thermostat for comfort. We switch between running the air conditioner and relying on the furnace. There is seldom the opportunity to open the windows and simply enjoy some fresh air. Because of the severe weather, the efficiency of the heating and cooling equipment is super important. The cost of indoor temperature control makes up about half of the household energy budget. It was worth it to me to spend more on a top-of-the-line furnace and air conditioner combination. I made a bigger investment for the cost savings of higher efficiency components. The furnace offers a 98% AFUE rating while the air conditioner provides a 26 SEER. The units feature adaptable-speed technology that allows automatic adjustment of speed. By increasing or decreasing output in tiny one percent adjustments anywhere between 40% and 100% capacity, the system supplies only the exact amount of heating or cooling necessary at one time. It not only reacts to changing demands to create a very even and consistent comfort but minimizes energy usage. The longer run times at lower speeds also allows the system to better control humidity and filter out air contaminants. The advanced technology allows for over-the-air diagnostics to ensure peak performance. Plus, the system includes zone control, providing customized temperature settings in each room of the house. I save money by not heating or cooling empty rooms to the perfect comfort level.
central air repair South Bend Indiana