Installing a top-of-the-line furnace and air conditioner

About five years ago, my husband and I purchased an older home in Birmingham, Alabama.

We just love the area and were delighted to be able to afford a larger property in an advantageous neighborhood. The low price of the house was due to the need for updates. The former owners hadn’t made repairs, renovations or improvements for many years. There was shag carpeting and linoleum from the 1970s on the floors throughout the house. The single-pane windows were a huge source of energy losses. The electrical system wasn’t up to safety codes and we discovered a single outlet in each room. Everything from the plumbing pipes, water heater and fixtures to the appliances needed to be replaced. My husband and I spent a great deal of time, effort and money making the house beautiful and comfortable. One of the best investments was replacing the outdated furnace, air conditioner and ductwork. Understanding the importance of an energy efficient temperature control system, we were willing to pay more for top-of-the-line options. The heating and cooling units are ENERGY STAR qualified and include adaptable-speed technology. The system automatically adjusts output to the changing needs of the home, supplying only the exact amount of heating or cooling necessary to maintain an ideal and consistent temperature. We enjoy exceptional comfort and humidity control. The furnace achieves a 98% AFUE while the air conditioner offers a 26 SEER, keeping our utility bills reasonable. Plus, we have the added convenience and cost-savings of zone control. An independent thermostat in each room accommodates personalized settings. Now that we’ve completed all of our renovations, we are totally happy with our home in Birmingham.


hvac company Birmingham Alabama