I told my husband I was allergic to rain.

I had only lived in Hillsboro, OR for about six months, and I was already tired of the rain.

It didn’t matter what the weather was, almost every other day it rained.

It was getting to the point where I was afraid I would become allergic to the rain. My husband got home from work one afternoon, and it had been a particularly cool and rainy day. My head was pounding, and my eyes were itching. I couldn’t breathe well, and I was sure I was coming down with a cold. The weather had been vacillating between cold and rainy to warm and rainy, and I had enough.. I asked if he could possibly be allergic to the rain like I was. He rolled his eyes, but then he took a better look at me. He told me that allergies didn’t cause you to run a fever, made the sign of a cross and walked away. Normally I took his odd comments with humor, but I wasn’t up to it. He was the one who chose to be a forest denuder and not me. He could take away all the trees if he wanted, but I wasn’t part of it. He told me he was only helping to get rid of the diseased trees, but I wasn’t in the mood for his conservationist routine. I hated the rainy weather, and I was ready to move back east. I hoped I felt better the next day, and the weather would be nicer. I was just tired of the rain and unsure of warm or cool weather this time of year.



hvac Hillsboro Oregon