Having a cannabis education in Philadelphia

From a unquestionably young age I had a way with plants, it’s called having a Green Thumb in some circles! My parents saw my natural aptitude & encouraged me every step of the way. I had a small garden patch in the backyard, however by the time I was 10 I had taken over the entire yard, front & back, with my plants, but when it was time to go to university, of course I studied botany & horticulture. I gained a 4 year degree in 3 years, & then decided to continue my education in a small village on the outskirts of Philadelphia, and for those of you who don’t already know, Philadelphia is considered one of the best cities on the eastern seaboard for cannabis. I had been communicating with a Philadelphia cannabis farmer, who provided to take me under her wing & teach me the tricks of the trade, however she owned sixteen acres of land just across the bridge from Philadelphia, & was willing to let me stay with him for a few weeks as I learned the trade, and this was how she had learned cannabis cultivation, & she was glad to continue that tradition with me. She showed me how to produce uniformity in the pot plants, which she harvested & sold to the greatest chain of cannabis dispensaries in Philadelphia. I spent a total of four months living near Philadelphia & reading the plants before I moved back house & started my own cannabis farm. It was the most pressing education I’ve ever had, & it’s still paying dividends!
Cannabis Store Philadelphia Pennsylvania