A town HVAC provider provided away a modern equipment to a needy resident

I have been so fed up with the news lately, then it seems appreciate every time I switch on the TV there is always something awful that’s being reported.

I can’t imagine that there isn’t any good news to report especially in our local communities. I live in Lowell MI and it’s the second greatest neighborhood in the state; And though the crime isn’t the worst in the state, we are usually in the top 10 for violent crimes! But I believe safe living in Lowell MI and thankfully, neither me, nor any of my family members have ever been victims of any violent crime. Anyway, the news is always reporting on these crimes, but once in a while, they report on a story that warms my heart. And I happened to catch a segment where a local person who has recently lost her husband, won a modern HVAC unit. It’s area of a yearly giveaway for a local HVAC supplier… Someone who is experiencing hardship is nominated to be the recipient of the modern HVAC unit. I was so happy when I saw that story because the kind lady had been suffering some hardships in her life, but then her HVAC equipment broke down, and she could not afford to get it fixed or have it upgraded, however lowell MI gets pretty cold during the Winter, so I can’t imagine trying to make it through it without having an HVAC equipment to officially keep the modern home comfortable. The nice lady was well-deserving of the modern unit, and I can’t wait to see who wins the modern equipment next year, hopefully, I will be able to catch the news when they do air the story.



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