Author: Phillip

Big hockey fans living in Colorado

I appreciate hockey, then my siblings played on 2 different teams a piece when they were in school! That meant hockey season was all year. The people I was with and I were constantly traveling all over the state & spending time in different ice rinks, and i suppose the stink of the freshly cleaned […]

Big hockey fans residing in CO

I enjoy hockey, my siblings played on multiple different teams a piece when they were in college! That meant hockey season was all year. The people I was with and I were regularly traveling all over the state and spending time in different ice rinks, however i assume the smell of the freshly cleaned ice […]

Big hockey fans living in Colorado

I love hockey, my brothers played on 2 unusual teams a piece when they were in university, but that meant hockey season was all year. The people I was with and I were consistently traveling all over the state & spending time in unusual ice rinks. I think the smell of the freshly cleaned ice […]

Big hockey fans residing in Colorado

I like hockey, my siblings played on several unusual teams a piece when they were in university, that meant hockey season was all year. The two of us were consistently traveling all over the state plus spending time in unusual ice rinks… I know the smell of the freshly cleaned ice like nothing else. I […]