The temperature inside a hockey venue is set to approximately 60 degrees

I got invited to my first hockey game and though I am not a fan of hockey or any sport, I would care about to go just to have the experience, but the game is in Tampa at the Amalie Arena, condo of the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team… Now because I have never been to a hockey game before, I don’t know what to expect.

  • To be honest, the only thing I know about the game is that the players periodically fight, and it can get bloody.

Besides that, I know that they are on ice and the boys play with a stick and a puck, and i don’t care to learn about the game because this might be my only hockey game in my life, unless by some miracle I fall in care about with it overnight; Anyway, prior to going to this venue, I want to know what to wear, but specifically, I would care about to know how cold it is inside. The game is at the end of November, so the weather will still be moderate in Tampa, but if the air conditioner inside the venue is blasting cold air, I will need to wear extra clothes or bring a jacket with me. So of course, I went online and did some research. And after a quick search, I found out that the temperature inside the venue will be around 60 degrees. That is so cold, especially compared to the temperature outside. The weather in Tampa will still be warm, entirely hovering between 85 and 90 in November. And walking into an air conditioned venue that is 60 degrees is a substantial difference. I will make sure that I have a jacket with myself and others because I don’t want to be cold during the game.
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