The accident kept me out of work for three months

I had a bad day at work and I decided to drive around instead of going straight home.

I honestly didn’t think it was going to be a big deal, but it turned out to be an event that changed my life.

I got into an accident on the freeway. I was in the hospital for a month after the accident. I couldn’t work for three months. When I finally went back to work, I couldn’t function very well and it was difficult to get my work done. Eventually I had to quit my job and file for unemployment and disability. I had to move in with my mom and dad after the accident. That is probably the worst part of the whole situation. I have to live here with my mom and dad and my mom treats me like I am still a child. I don’t need anyone to hover over me and watch me like a hawk. I did just fine before the accident. I told my mom that I wanted the car so I could drive into Denver to pick up recreational and medical marijuana supplies. She argued with me about the purchase and refused to give me keys to the vehicle so I could drive to the marijuana dispensary in Denver. She thought she was going to stop me and keep me from using recreational marijuana, but I called the dispensary and had the items delivered to the address across the street. I’m only staying with my mom and dad until I am one hundred percent healthy. When I feel better, I am planning to leave.

Recreational Pot Store Denver CO